dras knowledge

Monday, January 05, 2004

Jay Gould and Leon Festinger

I learned this concept of 'reification' from reading "The Mismeasure of Man" by the late Stephen Jay Gould.
Maybe I'm off base, but I thought I remembered "Mismeasure..." in discussions about IQ tests carrying test-maker biases, and therefore not representing a valid representation of intelligence. (Thus my comment in not commenting.)

I probably should look it up. Did it cause you to change some of the beliefs you had about humankind? Is it going to challenge my trust that there is order in the universe?

Perhaps instead I'll remain content with the current post-modernistic ideal of not necessarily having to be well-read or learned to be credible, valid, or of worthy opinion. What a wonderful time we live in.

At any rate, I'll file away "reification" with another favorite (and alt-med related) term: "cognitive dissonance" [Leon Festinger]


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