dras knowledge

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Jedi midi-chlorians and "quantam entanglement"

Another early thought on Science and Religion

You know, seems we could all relate to the religion of The Force by George Lucus as portrayed in the original Star Wars episodes. So much so that "Jedi" became an official religion in Australia -albeit haphazardly. Many perhaps became a little disillusioned with the theology when later Star Wars episodes converted faith in The Force to measurable "midi-chlorians." A direct parallel of making true faith equal to true science. The Church can no more convince us that the world is the center of the universe than science can convince us that faith-based religious concepts are right or wrong. It is a sad day, and a relapse to the dark ages when we begin to regard science, religion, and superstition as all the same thing.

Let's just suppose for a moment that "quantum entanglement" reaches the degree of scientific validity and understanding that we can justify it's association to Holistic Health belief or practices. Let's suppose for a moment that our scientific understanding enables us to quantify circumstances that cause identifiable "subluxations" that Chiropractors have preached of all along. Just because science can explain some concepts of a religion, does the religion become science? Do we then accept that Holistic practice and Chiropractic Adjustments likewise are validated by science? A Mormon prophet in the 1800's suggested tobacco, coffee and alcohol were not good for the body. This has turned out to be more correct than the popular belief of the time. Was Joseph Smith truly enlightened, or merely a good guesser? Science does not answer what faith can.

It is one thing to scientifically say that Chiropractic defined subluxations exist, it's quite another to likewise say adjustments correct energy-flow pathways to have a predictable, measurable impact on disease or health. Theories typically evolve and develop through the scientific process before they can be practically applied. I do not doubt that core beliefs of alternative medicine practice in regards to binding energies in the universe, life-force, or other innate energy could find association with what science discovers. Yet, any degree of discovery cannot validate practice without the associated subsequent study through the scientific process.
P.S. Rumor has it that Yoda always rejected the popular direct causation implied between one's midi-chlorian count and strength in The Force, choosing rather to believe that one's drive, based on heartfelt ideals stemming out of passion and choice, was a better identifier of one who is "strong in The Force."


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