Alaska physicians object to prescription privileges for naturopaths
comment on> > M.D. vs. N.D.> Alaska physicians object to prescription privileges for naturopaths
Blunt, but without time to be eloquent and sensitiveto even my own true perspectives of NaturopathicMedicine.
From one perspective, it could be argued that direct-to-consumer marketing of prescription drugs hasdisenfranchised those with prescription power anyway. The patient can always go elsewhere for the rx. he/shethinks she/he needs if the current practitioner ishesitant to write the scrip. From the submitted article, I wonder what is thebig issue? Is it more than inconvenience, years oftraining, or incongruous analogies to PA's and NP's? "They (ND's) call themselves primary-care providerswho work in outpatient clinics...""Primary care providers" get special attention fromthird-party payors. Prescription power would all butdesignate such a classification for ND's. Do Alaskalawmakers really want to chance that road? Havingevery ND visit qualifying for payment as a medicaloffice visit? Is an ND office visit what Alaskataxpayers/premium payers expect out of a medicaloffice visit? They are not the same, and thedifference is what this list is about: Healthoutcomes from treating illness that are based onempiric evidence versus unproved modalities derivedfrom philosophies rooted in mysticism.
Blunt, but without time to be eloquent and sensitiveto even my own true perspectives of NaturopathicMedicine.
From one perspective, it could be argued that direct-to-consumer marketing of prescription drugs hasdisenfranchised those with prescription power anyway. The patient can always go elsewhere for the rx. he/shethinks she/he needs if the current practitioner ishesitant to write the scrip. From the submitted article, I wonder what is thebig issue? Is it more than inconvenience, years oftraining, or incongruous analogies to PA's and NP's? "They (ND's) call themselves primary-care providerswho work in outpatient clinics...""Primary care providers" get special attention fromthird-party payors. Prescription power would all butdesignate such a classification for ND's. Do Alaskalawmakers really want to chance that road? Havingevery ND visit qualifying for payment as a medicaloffice visit? Is an ND office visit what Alaskataxpayers/premium payers expect out of a medicaloffice visit? They are not the same, and thedifference is what this list is about: Healthoutcomes from treating illness that are based onempiric evidence versus unproved modalities derivedfrom philosophies rooted in mysticism.
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