Naturopathy promoted in middle school text book
Following are comments from the pasted textbook text below:
I think we see the propagandist approach of this text; the facts littered with speculation, the subtle undermining of MD medical practice, and the allusions
to hokey diagnoses and treatments. Where do you start in explaining what is wrong with a text that's so overwhelmingly bad?
"Most MDs don't talk to their patients about their diets,"
Not according to the American Association of Family Practitioners: "Nutrition plays a major role in both health promotion and disease prevention, in addition to being a therapeutic tool in the treatment of medical, surgical and emotional illness. Physicians should develop the basic skills necessary to assess nutritional status and provide nutrition therapy."
"Dr. Kargman treats many HIV and AIDS patients."
The terms "hiv+aids+naturopathy" returned only 4 pubmed journal references, and no clinical trials demonstrating feasibility of treating HIV and AIDS with Naturopathic medicine.
"Food allergies can cause an immune reaction in the body -- anything from depression to skin problems to migraine headaches."
***beeeeep**** According to AAAI patient information, depression and migraine are NOT on the list of symptoms associated with food allergy, and there is no mention of chronic skin problems either.
This AAAI publication also states "An allergist/immunologist is the best qualified
professional to diagnose food allergy." ...Not a nutritionally trained naturopath. Also, though IgE blood testing may eventually provide essential information, initial "Diagnosis requires a carefully organized and detailed assessment of the problem" rather than just sending away a blood sample for testing. --Which, incidentally, doesn't sound like the Naturopath is treating the "whole" person, does it?
> I have been reading the 2001 version of the
> middle-school textbook
> _Holt Science & Technology: Life Science_. This
> book, issued by
> Holt, Rinehart and Winston (one of the four
> companies that produce
> most of the schoolbooks used in the United States),
> includes
> several feature articles that appear under the
> rubric "CAREERS" and
> that purport to tell students about occupations that
> supposedly have
> something to do with science. The "CAREERS" article
> on page 652
> is devoted to promoting naturopathy. Here is the
> material that Holt
> presents:
> Immediately under the "CAREERS" rubric we see a
> photograph
> of a woman who is equipped with a stethoscope.
> Under the
> photo we see the caption "NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN"
> and this bit of text:
> Dr. Stacey Kargman of Tucson, Arizona, is a
> doctor of
> naturopathic medicine (NMD), commonly
> referred to as
> a naturopath. An NMD has similar training to
> an MD but
> is less likely than a traditionally trained
> doctor to use
> prescription drugs or surgery to treat a
> patient's
> symptoms. Naturopaths tend to look for a
> natural way
> to treat a patient, using drugs or surgery
> as a last
> resort. Dr. Kargman tries to strengthen her
> patients'
> immune systems by focusing on things like
> nutrition.
> Then comes a longer run of text:
> Dr. Kargman attended the Southwest College of
> Naturopathic Medicine, where she studied all
> the
> sciences a medical doctor would study -- like
> biochemistry, anatomy, pharmacology, and
> physiology. Beyond the standard medical
> school
> sciences, naturopaths spend an additional
> four years
> studying subjects like botanical medicines,
> homeopathy,
> acupuncture, counseling, and nutrition.
> [boldface subhead] The Keystone to Good
> Health
> Many naturopaths believe that nutrition is
> the keystone to
> good health. "Most MDs don't talk to their
> patients about
> their diets," Kargman explains. "I'm in a
> position to talk to
> them about what they eat and how it may be
> affecting their
> health. Food allergies can cause an immune
> reaction in the
> body -- anything from depression to skin
> problems to
> migraine headaches. Even though I can
> prescribe
> prescription medications, I usually defer to
> MDs when it
> comes to prescription medications."
> Dr. Kargman treats many HIV and AIDS
> patients. She
> encourages these patients and others who need
> prescription medications to work with their
> medical
> doctor and their naturopath at the same time.
> That way,
> patients get the best care.
> [boldface subhead] A Fulfilling Career
> Dr. Kargman says the best part of her work
> is making
> people feel better. "Someone might come to
> me and
> say they have terrible migraines that they
> can no longer
> live with and that they've seen every doctor.
> After
> examining them, I might be able to tell them
> something
> as simple as, 'Stop eating wheat.' The
> simplest thing can
> change someone's life. . . It's not like
> putting a bandage
> on it. It's fixing the cause of the
> problem."
> Next, another photo of Stacey Kargman, with this
> caption:
> "Stacey Kargman, NMD, tries to treat the patient as
> a whole."
> In the teacher's edition of Holt's book, page 652
> also carries
> a "Background" item for the teacher:
> One kind of sensitivity involves what are
> called IgE
> antibodies. These antibodies engender an
> immediate
> reaction. For example, when a person who is
> allergic
> to strawberries eats a strawberry, and a few
> minutes
> later that person breaks into hives or
> notices that he
> or she has a swollen, irritated tongue, that
> is an IgE
> response.
> To help establish which foods are problematic
> for
> someone, naturopaths such as Kargman rely on
> specialized blood tests. After taking blood,
> the
> naturopath will send it to a lab, where it is
> exposed
> to different substances and tested for
> reactions. Once
> a sensitivity has been discovered, a patient
> can avoid
> the foods that have a negative impact on his
> or her
> immune system.
I think we see the propagandist approach of this text; the facts littered with speculation, the subtle undermining of MD medical practice, and the allusions
to hokey diagnoses and treatments. Where do you start in explaining what is wrong with a text that's so overwhelmingly bad?
"Most MDs don't talk to their patients about their diets,"
Not according to the American Association of Family Practitioners: "Nutrition plays a major role in both health promotion and disease prevention, in addition to being a therapeutic tool in the treatment of medical, surgical and emotional illness. Physicians should develop the basic skills necessary to assess nutritional status and provide nutrition therapy."
"Dr. Kargman treats many HIV and AIDS patients."
The terms "hiv+aids+naturopathy" returned only 4 pubmed journal references, and no clinical trials demonstrating feasibility of treating HIV and AIDS with Naturopathic medicine.
"Food allergies can cause an immune reaction in the body -- anything from depression to skin problems to migraine headaches."
***beeeeep**** According to AAAI patient information, depression and migraine are NOT on the list of symptoms associated with food allergy, and there is no mention of chronic skin problems either.
This AAAI publication also states "An allergist/immunologist is the best qualified
professional to diagnose food allergy." ...Not a nutritionally trained naturopath. Also, though IgE blood testing may eventually provide essential information, initial "Diagnosis requires a carefully organized and detailed assessment of the problem" rather than just sending away a blood sample for testing. --Which, incidentally, doesn't sound like the Naturopath is treating the "whole" person, does it?
> I have been reading the 2001 version of the
> middle-school textbook
> _Holt Science & Technology: Life Science_. This
> book, issued by
> Holt, Rinehart and Winston (one of the four
> companies that produce
> most of the schoolbooks used in the United States),
> includes
> several feature articles that appear under the
> rubric "CAREERS" and
> that purport to tell students about occupations that
> supposedly have
> something to do with science. The "CAREERS" article
> on page 652
> is devoted to promoting naturopathy. Here is the
> material that Holt
> presents:
> Immediately under the "CAREERS" rubric we see a
> photograph
> of a woman who is equipped with a stethoscope.
> Under the
> photo we see the caption "NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN"
> and this bit of text:
> Dr. Stacey Kargman of Tucson, Arizona, is a
> doctor of
> naturopathic medicine (NMD), commonly
> referred to as
> a naturopath. An NMD has similar training to
> an MD but
> is less likely than a traditionally trained
> doctor to use
> prescription drugs or surgery to treat a
> patient's
> symptoms. Naturopaths tend to look for a
> natural way
> to treat a patient, using drugs or surgery
> as a last
> resort. Dr. Kargman tries to strengthen her
> patients'
> immune systems by focusing on things like
> nutrition.
> Then comes a longer run of text:
> Dr. Kargman attended the Southwest College of
> Naturopathic Medicine, where she studied all
> the
> sciences a medical doctor would study -- like
> biochemistry, anatomy, pharmacology, and
> physiology. Beyond the standard medical
> school
> sciences, naturopaths spend an additional
> four years
> studying subjects like botanical medicines,
> homeopathy,
> acupuncture, counseling, and nutrition.
> [boldface subhead] The Keystone to Good
> Health
> Many naturopaths believe that nutrition is
> the keystone to
> good health. "Most MDs don't talk to their
> patients about
> their diets," Kargman explains. "I'm in a
> position to talk to
> them about what they eat and how it may be
> affecting their
> health. Food allergies can cause an immune
> reaction in the
> body -- anything from depression to skin
> problems to
> migraine headaches. Even though I can
> prescribe
> prescription medications, I usually defer to
> MDs when it
> comes to prescription medications."
> Dr. Kargman treats many HIV and AIDS
> patients. She
> encourages these patients and others who need
> prescription medications to work with their
> medical
> doctor and their naturopath at the same time.
> That way,
> patients get the best care.
> [boldface subhead] A Fulfilling Career
> Dr. Kargman says the best part of her work
> is making
> people feel better. "Someone might come to
> me and
> say they have terrible migraines that they
> can no longer
> live with and that they've seen every doctor.
> After
> examining them, I might be able to tell them
> something
> as simple as, 'Stop eating wheat.' The
> simplest thing can
> change someone's life. . . It's not like
> putting a bandage
> on it. It's fixing the cause of the
> problem."
> Next, another photo of Stacey Kargman, with this
> caption:
> "Stacey Kargman, NMD, tries to treat the patient as
> a whole."
> In the teacher's edition of Holt's book, page 652
> also carries
> a "Background" item for the teacher:
> One kind of sensitivity involves what are
> called IgE
> antibodies. These antibodies engender an
> immediate
> reaction. For example, when a person who is
> allergic
> to strawberries eats a strawberry, and a few
> minutes
> later that person breaks into hives or
> notices that he
> or she has a swollen, irritated tongue, that
> is an IgE
> response.
> To help establish which foods are problematic
> for
> someone, naturopaths such as Kargman rely on
> specialized blood tests. After taking blood,
> the
> naturopath will send it to a lab, where it is
> exposed
> to different substances and tested for
> reactions. Once
> a sensitivity has been discovered, a patient
> can avoid
> the foods that have a negative impact on his
> or her
> immune system.
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