dras knowledge

Thursday, May 03, 2007




Keeping up on the scientific published literature, there's not much evidence that retraining therapy is any better than placebo for tinnitus. BCBSA medical policy information republished On-line by individual plans that adopt the Association's policy (for example: http://www.empireblue.com/provider/noapplication/f2/s5/t9/pw_ad086527.pdf) provides some scientific discussion about tinnitus and considers most tinnitus treatment investigational. If your're looking for innovative treatments for tinnitus, try Googling with words that include Meniere's disease.

From neuromonics:
"...The device is programmed to alternate between two pleasant musical tracks which are identical except that one track includes the tinnitus sound and the other one does not. The person getting the treatment will listen to the Neuromonics device for several hours a day for about six months..."

Somehow I get horrible visions about the Disneyland ride "It's a small world." I think I'd rather have the ringing stuck in my head than that song. Not meaning to belittle a frequently disabling condition.



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