dras knowledge

Friday, April 11, 2003

How come the AMA doesn't have a position statement on Marxism?

Many professional medical organizations publish position statements in support of routine vaccination based on the simple fact that they prevent disease and death, but depend on "herd immunity" to be truly effective in preventing epidemics in a society.

I do think there's something just not right with the chiropractor associations using a political rather than medical argument for being Anti-vaccination, exclaming in formal position statements that nothing should be compulsory. Well, nothing is said by the other medical organizations about vaccines being compulsory, at least without explaining the plain facts of science as to why. So, here we have a professional medical organization ignoring the medical science and essentially destroying the intent thereof by trying to change the whole issue into a political argument. When I want to know about "freedom of choice" I go straight to a chiropractic position statement. Hey, how come the AMA doesn't publish a position statement on Marxism?


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