dras knowledge

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Parady of an On-line health device

There are several internet kooky health device scamming goning on, this is my attempt to break into the genre.-dr

I don't know why I just waisted an hour creating this. Why, for some reason, does my version below still sound more credible than the original found at this site?http://www.homeographic.com/

Whollyhomegrownopathy is science. It uses specially prepared drops of water exposed to visual images that represent healthy body processes. It is based on the droplet of water's ability to absorb the essence represented in the visual image. One drop of water is capable of absorbing and delineating several images at the same time.

In fact, a droplet of water seems to have a large capacity to hold the essence of any number of images it is exposed to. Could it be the same as a mirror not only being able to store every gaze cast upon it, but to also be able to reflect the essence of any gaze back into another human being, at any given time? Only further research may answer these perplexing questions.

How to Make Whollyhomegrownopathy Drops

You will need a source that can accommodate an F-stop (Aperture) of 8 and 22 along with a variable exposure speed of 60-125 milliseconds. (Otherwise visual images may be too dark, too bright, or too blurred to be absorbed by the droplet of water.) That is exactly what the Fujizappicator produces, so you have the most important item already. You will also need a special image projection and framing apparatus that can be assembled from parts available at a local hardware store. These and assembly instructions are detailed in the Fujizappicator New Owner's Guide. (Remember, your original Owner's Guide will not have this instruction. We've had to rewrite the guide to accommodate this new science. The New Guide is available at this website, or Amazon.com.)

Once your image projection apparatus is prepared, place a bottle of water directly on one side and facing the spot where the visual image is to be projected. Then, one at a time, place any of the desired clear transparency visual images prepared by your Fujizappicator (and picked up from Fotomat) into the apparatus and let them project for exactly 20 seconds each. Warning, during this process do not obstruct the projected image, or the space between the bottle of water and the projected image as this can result in a confused absorption of the image's essence. You have now created a BOTTLE COPY of the healthful essence of each projected image. Depending on the variety of drops made, different therapeutic goals can be accomplished.

Whollyhomegrownopathy Drops Can Strengthen
The most important goal is to clean your organs of all the toxins and parasites. Simply taking a droplet containing the visual image of a healthy body part will do just that for a corresponding sick body part. I have found by adjusting the F-stop and exposure speed on the Fujizappicator to create different images has slightly different therapeutic effect. Imagine, custom make your own perfect remedies!

Fujizappicator Alchemy
CD4 cells of the thymus per the thyroid lobes, stimulate immune weapons YN BO LD, MISSING THINGS ARE ADDED. Ascaris lumbrioides, saliva and lymph all from a half-ounce glass bottle!! Rhodizonic acid over copies of copies get rid of negative cell-count load!! Fast Green CD8's cloned viral parasites expel the body of Fasciopolo eggs in the valves. Success of phagocytizing power system-wide, while taking "protective" drops. "Positive Aware" and other HIV news. YOU DID IT, let’s hope they listen.


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