dras knowledge

Thursday, March 17, 2005

CAM written into state Nurse Practice Act

Can someone tell me what the difference is between a nurse practicing alternative medicine and> someone else practicing alternative medicine?

I can speculate that someone, or group, was concerned about the professional liability of nurses who engage in some alt-med therapies. So, they had it formally addressed in an addendum or update to the State's Nurse Practice Act at the state licensing board of Arkansas. Judging by the language, it was strongly influenced by alt-med proponents. There are phrases that firmly legitimze alt-med practice in nursing by licensed nurses. It does seem to subtlely, but plainly explain that the licensed nurse is subject to language already in the act (i.e., creating and carrying out a careplan based on physician orders, and not doing sCAM when it can be perceived as the "practice of medicine" as restricted to MD's and other licensed professionals.)

First paragraph: "The competency of a nurse to perform complementary and alternative therapies begins with nursing education and ends with the safe nursing practice of those skills in such a way that ensures the safety, comfort and protection of clients. Nurses using complementary or alternative therapies in their practice should follow the ASBN “Position Statement98-6 Decision Making Model.” Particular attention should be paid to the definition of nursing in theASBN “Nurse Practice Act,” and statements in the ASBN“Position Statement 95-1 Scopes of Practice.” Otherprofessional practice acts may require additionalcertification and/or licensure to perform a particulartherapy."

My translation: So-called Complimentary andAlternative medicine (sCAM) is legitimate because licensed nurses learn about it, it helps people, andit can be used in the nursing plan of care or "decision making model". Much of sCAM can be done under established language in the Nursing Practice Act. Some of sCAM is so specialized, it may require you to have a special certification or other licenseto perform them. (By the way, this is subtle warning for you to know what your doing if you choose to do sCAM as part of Nursing practice.)

Next sentences: "Most nurses have been exposed tosystems, holistic and humanistic theories. These theories are the essence of nursing practice and may include complementary and alternative therapies.Nurses must practice within the scope of practice of their license. In basic nursing education,nurses learn to complement physician ordered treatments with techniques such as focusedbreathing and relaxation, massage, guided imagery,music, humor and distraction.

"My translation: sCAM theories are legitimate because they are a fundamental basis for Nursing practice andare a part of Nursing education. In fact, basicnursing education is all about "complementing" aphysicians ordered treatment using techniques that areall associated with sCAM.

Next sentences: "The more complex complementary and alternative therapies are a part of advanced practice nursing. Advanced practice nurses may be qualified to recommend or prescribe vitamins, herbs, mineralsor other over-the-counter products.

"My translation: Advanced practice nurses arequalified, and maybe should be prescribingover-the-counter products.

Next sentences: "The registered nurse practitioner and the registered nurse may follow protocols to recommendthese products. These protocols shall be reviewed annually by the licensed physician and nurse and beprovided to the Board upon request.

"My translation: Established Nursing care plans shouldincorporate the use of over-the-counter products. (Adoctor must sign off on these.)

Next sentences: "The practice of applied kinesiology, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and ayurveda may require formal educational preparation and possibly even certification. State licensure laws regulate therapies such as chiropractic, massage, acupuncture andphysical therapy.

"My translation: If you are a Nurse, and you are using sCAM in Nursing practice, (which maybe you can do -because they may be a part of the Nursing PracticeAct) you better make sure you know what you are doing, because if something bad happens you will be held tothe standard of a licensed healthcare professional. By the way, some sCAM is regulated under other licenses, so as a nurse, maybe you hadn't aught to do those things.

Last paragraph: "Carefully following the SBN “Position Statement 98-6 Decision Making Model” will ensure that nurses are practicing within their scope of practice. Nurses who choose to use complementary or alternative therapies in their practices may be requested to provide documentation that they have followed the “Position Statement 98-6 Decision Making Model” in making their decisions.

"My translation: If you (the nurse) are naming anddoing sCAM, you better make sure it is in your formalNursing care plan that has been signed off by aphysician.


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