dras knowledge

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

"Evidence of Harm"

Camille wrote a persona note to Dr. Haley, who has some ideas he'd like to promote about autism. She was offended by the reply she received. Here is my note to Camille, with her original note and Dr. Haley's reply following.-dras

Camille asked Dr. Haley for 2 things: quit using the term "Mad child disease" to describe Autism and to stop placing emphasis on mercury in vaccines as a danger to children.

I take Dr. Haley's (or an e-mail reply designate) responses to mean: the issue of mercury endangerment is so serious we should use any term to garner recognition of it; and, mercury is serious just as explained in "...an investigative book just being released called 'Evidence of Harm" by David Kirby.'"

FDA and CDC combined conspiracy, fraudulent studies published, secret e-mails, hidden documents revealed using the Freedom of Information Act, and "why else" arguments. This kind of sensationalism strongly hints of a sales pitch for something like a book...like the one being recommended.

Camille's issue is about children and autism, not mercury-vaccine fanaticism. I am sorry that Camille had this directed at her. If I am right, she doesn't need to read any such book. She's read the studies first-hand, and she understands how the research was done and who and how it was published. She has searched out the history of vaccines as well as the history of the CDC and FDA on that regard. More importantly, she knows about autism; all that has been presented from epidemiological, to in-utero, to autoimmune associations. Beyond knowledge, she has intimate understanding of the autistic child. Based on this knowledge and understanding, and the fact she is educated, she has the right to demand that an apparent vaccine controversy not be carried to exploit children and children with autism to strike an emotional cord, especially for marketing purposes.


It was no attempt at wit nor any attempt to hitch a ride on the mad cow hysteria and the attached document explains the situation. Take the time to hear the tape of my talk and you will realize that I was dead serious about this issue. It is parents like yourself who are being deluded by bureaucrats at the FDA and CDC that have made a major mistake and are doing everything to cover it up. You really need to educate yourself on the "statistics" issue and autism and the biological work that strongly supports that thimerosal exposure causes the symptoms of autism. The Freedom of Information Act has supplied Safe Minds with information that early epidemiological studies done by the CDC clearly show that thimerosal was associated with a significant risk of autism and other childhood illnesses. Only by manipulation over several attempts (blatantly discussed in obtained emails between the officials) did a publication result that showed no correlation. Also, do you really think the USA, Britain, Denmark, Sweden, etc. would all decide to make manufacturers remove thimerosal from their vaccines if there wasn't knowledge of a risk? I and others are just not that powerful unless our research is correct and provable. What I have published has been repeated by several other university groups and all concur that autistics represent a subset of the population that do not effectively excrete mercury. What I am fighting is those who are convinced, not because they have read the science, but because they believe in bureaucratic releases (you have the same opinion as the IOM who only considered the well known manipulated CDC study and those from Europe where the reports were done by employees of vaccine manufacturering entities that sell thimerosal containing vaccines to the rest of the world, including the USA). I am taking the time to respond because, as the mother of an afflicted child and someone who is in education, you may have the interest in the truth about this issue. Also, there is an investigative book just being released called "Evidence of Harm" by David Kirby. You should read it. Sincerely, Boyd HaleyAt 12:23 PM 10/5/04 -0700, you wrote:>Greetings,>>I am writing to say that the use of the term "Mad Child Disease" as used by>Dr. Boyd Haley is an apparent attempt at wit and a transparent attempt at>hitching a ride on "mad cow" disease hysteria. I object strenuously to its>use and that I hold those who use the term in very low repute.>>I am requesting that all people, especially those of education and>standing, who have access to mass media and those in public office cease>from using the term "Mad Child Disease" to refer to autism, and further,>out of concern for humanity, that they desist in applying it to any other>children.>>I request, also, that the heavy emphasis on mercury as a major threat to>the minds of children be ended. The statistics used to support this idea>are twisted and abused very frequently, (see:> for atrue analysis of the>statistics). One need only follow the money to see if those leading the>panicked cry of "dangerous vaccinations!" are profitting from the sale of>"chelation" treatments or in other ways. The autism plague rhetoric plague>must end before more are damaged by it.>>Autistic children are aware of what is being said about them, so are>autistic adults. We are not plague rats, we are not cows with damaged>brains and we are not meat-on-the-hoof ready to be culled by heartless>doctors and scientists.>>Autistics of all kinds contribute to the betterment of the communities they>live in. There are many ways we all can contribute. Autistics shouldn't>function as your whipping posts or pariahs. Shame on those who try to use>us as such.>>>Camille Clark>autistic ->mother of an autism spectrum adult ->undergraduate student ->Psychology major>>http://www.isn.net/~jypsy/AuSpin/ournames.htm>>http://www.neurodiversity.com/mothers_for_dignity.html>>>>To see the use of "mad child disease", see this page:>>http://www.lewrockwell.com/miller/miller14.html>>My own web site:>www.oddizm.com


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