Hyperbaric, I must be psychic
I must be psychic. I posted the last 2 paragraphsbelow to the list exactly 3 years ago. Follow the below link for the authority on hyperbaricmedical treatment. HBO is now big business and bigmoney. Despite the business generating hype, I'm sureyou'll find little scientific evidence for HBOtreatment of CP, Alzheimer's, headache, stroke,autism, MS, PAD, Lyme disease and anything else notlisted at the UHMS site.I will suggest therapy is not too dangerous, except tothe pocket book. There is some danger in a lab notbeing certified, not using well-trained andknowledgeable technicians, and not having pulmonary MDspecialist oversight. If the lab has all of this, isa Medicare provider and affiliated with a hospital orwound clinic, chances are better that it is legitimateand safe in the care provided.DaleHyperbaric oxygen pressurization has well establisheditself in the successful treatment of “the bends”(decompression sickness), some of the more awful skininfections, CO poisoning, cerebral edema and a few other very specific conditionshttp://www.uhms.org/Indications/indications.htm). Ten years ago, you would find only one chamber in alarge metro area. Nowadays, tertiary hospitals partnerto build them in their parking lots and entrepreneursbuild free-standing chambers in the burbs. Theundersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society will certifyboth lab and technician, but certification is notrequired for them to operate. Treatments, if donecorrectly, are benign and probably don’t hurtanything. If you build it, they will come. I’msuspicious the hyperbaric empire is on its way.
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