dras knowledge

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Is Teaching "Intelligent Design" Right or Wrong?

I think we have to be aware of how we come across when commenting on these very politically charged issuesthat have minions of passionate believers at both ends of the spectrum for who "ID" is either right or wrong.

In fact, I saw some posts here that appeared to resortto seemingly personal attacks against proponents of IDin the schools. We on HF should be above that, evenif the accusations are true.

On ID, Isn't much of science about objective analysisand critical thinking about how nature and thephysical world works? It's too bad that some see this as a threat to their religious beliefs.

We should teach our children to learn how to learn inschool. I'm opposed to ID in science class. Not because I might see it as religious indoctrination passed off as science. But because I want my child tograsp concepts about critical thinking that could lead to new or independent discovery about nature. With ID in science class, it seems two opposing views aboutthe origin of man are presented for which you are tochoose which one to believe based on what bests suitsyour ideals. That is, they are both presented as"gospel" and you're supposed to decide from withinwhich one to believe. You choose based on yourspiritual faith. Where's the science in that? Where's the discovery? Where's the learning process?


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