dras knowledge

Monday, July 31, 2006

Should I Vote for Fluoride in my Tap Water?

Fluoride is an all-natural mineral, it's no more like putting medication in your water than is putting iodine in your table salt, folic acid in your wheat flour, or vitamin A & D in your milk. (sheesh, the fanaticism of some people)



The main risk to community drinking water fluoridation, I felt, was the burden to government and the tax payer. Negligible as it might be, it costs money to initiate and maintain it. Second, like you point out, fluoride in drinking water is not an exact science. Maybe there is a good argument that it doesn't have to be. But, I think I would like it a little bit more precise than it appears. (Based on your suggestion, maybe it can be more precise.) To me, alternative means of Fluoriding our children probably have the same benefit, or risk. Finally, like any decision at the poll booth, political views influenced my decision. It's a fuzzy line where
government responsibility should end, and individual, non-government community, or commercial responsibility should begin. I was not convinced the cost-risk /
benefit ratios supported government fluoridation of drinking water in my community.



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