dras knowledge

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Cost of Marginal Medicine Is Too High

The Cost of Marginal Medicine Is Too High http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/518134?src=mp Posted 12/12/2005> > Ezekiel J. Emanuel, MD, PhD ----snip-------"If an individual wants to pay that much for so little benefit, so be it."

I would bet doctors and insurance companies are hesitant to put monetary value on life. What should be the cut-off dollar amount to keep someone alive one month longer? How about one day? Who is going to decide that? Who is going to enforce it? I've been in health insurance, including benefits design, for almost a decade and such discussion is not even considered in my experience. I've seen $millions$ spent in "prolonging death," but would rather allow it than be seen as judge and executioner. Dr. Emanuel's opinion is a little disturbing, but maybe it's intent is merely to initiate dialogue.



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