dras knowledge

Saturday, September 20, 2003

The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science (link only)

The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science


Friday, September 19, 2003

Johrei fellowship gets government cash

"We are a multi-cultural, multi-faith, service-oriented organization with a common vision. The Fellowship embraces the spiritual philosophies of both the eastern and western world, with the practice of truth, goodness and beauty in our daily lives. Our mission is to help bring about the transformation of the human spirit." -http://www.johreifellowship.com/MAIN%20JOHREI%20FELLOWSHIP.html

Prayer study on this for 1.3mil?
Show me that Midichlorian (sp?) count, Obiwan, so we can start testing how they can be manipulated by the Force to promote health.
(I think I want 1.3 million to test whether my ideas about spirituality can contribute to health.)

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Pediatricians to document "preservative free" vaccinations

Two new CPT codes, one for adult and one for a child under 3yrs flu vaccination, will be early activated by the AMA so physicians and professionals can report using a preservative-free flu vaccine. These are in addition to already existing codes for flu vaccinations. http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/10902.html

CPT codes are intended as a reporting tool for physicians and other health professionals. Due to the hype in media and govt. statements about Thimerosal, and a growing fear of professional liability, it makes sense to document in a patient's record that a "preservative-free" vaccine was used. These new codes were created to satisfy the need. (See the vaccinations protocols from the AAP: http://www.cispimmunize.org/pdf/influenzaguidance0304.pdf and government statements on Thimerosal: http://www.fda.gov/cber/vaccine/thimerosal.htm , http://www.cdc.gov/nip/vacsafe/concerns/thimerosal/faqs-availfree.htm )

Two side-effects to every new code like this one that is created for "reporting" purposes is that it legitimizes the service to a degree, and makes it eligible for separate and unique reimbursement when the code is used for government funding, or on an insurance claim.

How much professional credibility will the creation of a "preservative-free" descriptor on a CPT code lend to Thimerosal sensationalism? Some, for sure. Otherwise, there is only speculation.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

You are all sexist (and racist)

Racism may be applied akin to sexism when talking about bias. The black nurse in the ER episode replied to the bigoted EMT: "You just don't get it....it's ALWAYS about race."
To some, it will always be about sexism. Maybe arguably, rightfully so.
It will also always be about race, religion, orientation, social status, occupation, where you stand on some issue, and the kind of car you drive.
You are all sexist, because you stereotype! You know you do!
a male nurse

I signed my name "male nurse" to catch the act of stereotyping.
We must understand our own subjective influences in analyzing anything (i.e. "all chiro is of Satan" or "all men are Pigs") Everyone has a right to his or her passions. For the most part, I think, "extremists" often provide a necessary balance in society. Besides, one day Chicken Little may be right.