dras knowledge

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cynacism over CAM Testimonial

[....]'s "life was derailed
by extensive food and chemical sensitivities brought on by
multiple exposures to environmental toxins. Aside from the
typical assaults we all experience in a lifetime, she was
exposed to a broken mercury thermometer in her late 20s, toxic
fumes in a garbage dump fire during a photography workshop in
her early 30s, the harmful fumes (and emotional trauma) from the
World Trade Center fires of 9/11, mold resulting from a flood in
her apartment in 2003, and she recently tested positive for Lyme
bacteria, which she believes is a 35+ year infection underlying
all of her other health challenges."


Wow, she has had it bad!!. But, I think she forgot to mention being exposed to all that lead-laden glazed ceramic stoneware in the 80's, her asbestos-insulated and mercury-painted grade school, shower fungus in her high-school gym class, and aspartame in her foods since birth. And, I'm sure she could detail all the other positive "lab tests" she's had that diagnose her with all kinds of pathologies and sensitivities. I can't wait to hear all the sundry details about how, in spite of all of this, she maintains a fair degree of wellness thanks to all the supplements, enemas, talismans, rituals, and special diets!! She must truly be a gem of an individual.

Problem is, we all share a similar "toxin exposure" story. But I guess that's the intent, part of the lure to suck readers into the quackery. I question whether there is one ounce of empiric evidence that her noted environmental insults has caused any true chronic symptoms. BTW, "Notice to Readers: Caution Regarding Testing for Lyme Disease": http://www.cdc.gov/MMWR/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5405a6.htm

Overall, this kind of rhetoric is getting old and busted. Where's the new hotness in CAM these days?



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