dras knowledge

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Big Pharm conspiracy turn-around


...."Prescribing drugs is an easy way for doctors to address patients' health problems, Frei said, and the pharmaceutical industry is very lucrative. There's less money and more work involved in preventing illness by encouraging a healthy lifestyle...

"...While antioxidants can't undo the damage caused by a lifetime of smoking or other risky behaviors, they can help prevent disease when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle..."


It could just as is easily be said that:

..."Recommending dietary supplements is an easy way for CAM practitioners to address patient's health concerns, and the Nutri-ceutical industry is very lucrative. There's less money and more work involved in preventing illness by encouraging a healthy lifestyle....

"While antioxidants can't undo the damage caused by a lifetime of smoking or other risky behaviors, a healthy diet and lifestyle can help prevent disease, and it's a fallacy that taking supplements goes hand-in-hand with diet and a healthy lifestyle."



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